

I am an instructional designer and learning technologist based in Dublin, Ireland. Currently I work for the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland on theĀ Professional Diploma in Health Professions Education.

I had a long and windy journey to coming to work in health professions education. I am a visual artist, who worked for several years as a multimedia designer, a teacher in the ESL sector and as an art teacher in further education. Along the way I realised I really enjoyed the design and implementation of courses. It’s an exciting place where creativity, pedagogy and psychology can all work together.

Theory forms the back bone of why we do what we do in the eLearning sector. We are not reinventing the wheel but adding to hundreds of years of the study of pedagogy. Sometimes the simplest of solution comes from the knowledge of the Zone of Proximal Development or of Constructivist classrooms. My faves are Paulo Freire, John Biggs and bell hooks, to give you some indication of where I’m coming from.

Outside of instructional design, I work as a visual artist and musician. I love sea swimming and going to the Botanic Gardens in Dublin.

Currently I’m available for contract based consultancy work in eLearning.