Moodle for Adult Further Education

Design and Implementation of LMS

Planning, Installation and Design of working Moodle site for South Dublin County Partnership.

In August 2021, I was asked by the South Dublin County Partnership to build a Moodle learning management system on their website. The Partnership is a charitable organisation which aims to increase social inclusion in the South County Dublin area, in particular through education and community based interventions. 

Much of the courses that the SDCP run are short, usually around 8-10 weeks. There are many different types of learners who attend these courses, so creating a site that is accessible is a priority. Throughout the site there are options of translation based on the most wildly used languages in the area according to the CSO. 

Automatisation is employed throughout the website, from emailing newly enrolled students with their logins to generating course completion certificates. In the future we have plans to enable students to enroll themselves into self directed courses at any time and begin them.

As part of this build, the main website and the Moodle had to be moved to new GDPR friendly hosting for the company.